Jago Re!

Literally means - wake up! A brilliant ad campaign launched well ahead of the general elections facing the indian populace later his year shows a youth calling upon other youngsters to "awaken"... his point-of-view being that if you are NOT voting, you are sleeping... the metaphor for sloth/indifference and dereliction of a constitutional duty to vote and elect a suitable representative is well thought out and well executed. Indians are great at complaining about the lack of amenities or services and how things are so bad... because some one else is responsible for it. we are clever at demanding our rights but fail to perform our duties. the recent November terrorist attacks served to galvanise a lot of public angst and there was a mood of younger people feeling involved and wanting a change... desiring it more viscerally than we youngsters usually care about (believing in our hormone fuelled invincibility)I love Gandhiji's "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" quote. Obama appropriated the "change" tag as his slogan to good effect. You need a change? You want a change? get going... move and bring it about yourself!Start with your first pit-stop at Jagore.com
I ashamedly admit that i am not on an electoral roll. Yet.
I have downloaded and completed the form and shall submit it within this month... and you can be dammed sure to see me at a pooling booth soon!


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