On Death

Is death a great leveler?
Is death a part of the journey?
Or is it the destination?
The End.

Will I be able to greet the end of life
With a smile, or worse, with strife
All the while clawing -
Clutching to even a straw of hay
In the misplaced desire -
To live another day.


hirak said…
nice! very good.
Unknown said…
Death;is just one milestone in our Eternal journey.Do not relate this event in T I M E or by worldly comforts.Yow won~t ask will it grab or Garland you.Time & Space limit us;break free of these shackles and you will soar like a bird.....In Freedom and free of FEAR.Fly free from the pairs of opposites & desires that clutch and claw the little you.....Your DAD
vivek said…
good!! Poetic.....leaves the reader filled with thoughts and emotions
vivek said…
good!! Poetic.....leaves the reader filled with thoughts and emotions
Unknown said…
great.. truth of life.....
Unknown said…
One must learn to die,face death and only than living is fun.MRUTYU death is AMRUT KHOLO it is life;s extension in differet form with a philosophical outlook. MAYUKH(KAKA)

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