This is a speech i delivered whilst in college. it was for a debate... for your perusal...

At the stroke of midnight, India awoke to freedom… the soul of our nation long suppressed found utterance…. We began our tryst with destiny.

For aeons the hallmark of the Indian people has been acceptance and accommodation. Since the Aryan times to the British this land has been besieged time and again. This perhaps explains our attitude to bend, bow down and hold ourselves in such low esteem that everything “VIDESHI” seems superior and we - INFERIOR.

Respected Judges, Staff, Colleagues and my worthy opponents. I stand here today and speak in the memory of my late grandfather – a freedom fighter. Swadesh is an issue that means something to me – PERSONALLY.

I am not here to offer you platitudes and ramble on with clichés of patriotism. I speak of something more basic. An article of faith.

We all love our country. Those who do not may raise their hand. If anyone did or felt like – SHAME on YOU! Allow me a metaphor. A mother carries her child in her womb for 9 months, nurses the infant, cleans up, stays up nights, teaches you to walk, to talk, and is responsible for you being here today. Would you then ABANDON her in an Old-Age home. To be looked after by strangers.

The problem is that we still might.

INDIA - for nothing do we call her BHARAT MATA. She means all this and SO much more… YET you say Pardesh is better?

Remember – when you are hurt the first cry shall be MA! And she will come and KISS YOUR WOUND to make it better.

We are patriotic indeed. On the 15th of Aug, for the national anthem, but need we Occasions as these, wars and calamities to remind us of our obligation?

We are yet an infant democracy. 50+ years and going STRONG. We have had a woman as PM, our constitution has provisions and safeguards for the weaker sections of society.

If there is talk of equality the US still has to have a Black President, or a woman for that matter… there goes Race AND Gender Bias. It will surprise you to know that JFKennedy was the FIRST roman catholic they had as head of state – so discount Religion too- WORTHY – opponents!

They’ve been free since 250 years. The Klu Klux Klan is still active. It was not until the 60’s that they began giving the African Americans their due. Apartheid was rampant in South Africa till the 90’s! the undercurrents of racism are VERY strong in the UK, Germany and even France. It is so imprinted in our sub-conscious white skin SUPERIOR dark skin BAD.

If the argument is a better future for the kids, look at what happened ALL of last year in the states. The Columbine massacre, kids with guns killing FELLOW students for no apparent reason! Bush has more than the taliban to blame for that – but he’s not talking. Drugs and alcohol abuse are RAMPANT on campuses there. The children face complex family structures and unstable home environments, sex and all the baggage that goes with it is a major concern , teenage pregnancies figure high on the list of problems for the health dept.

A friend from Singapore was astonished with Mumbai and Poona. He saw NO difference! Phoenix Mill, at Parel for all you know is straight out of Dubai or any other international city. If we walk two minutes in any direction though, we might come across some slum. Dharavi nestles the ultra-modern Bandra Kurla Complex. For those who see the existence of these disparate worlds as proof of our inefficiency and backwardness I proffer this view – in the seeming paradox lies an OPPORTUNITY. To bring at par these seemingly discordant worlds - THAT is our challenge. To convert what is backward into a PARADISE. This is NOT a utopian dream but a VISION that we have to dedicate ourselves to. If so much was possible IN SPITE of everything then we have only BETTER things to look forward too!

For the advocates of better professional standards all that needs to be said is – do you REALLY believe you will rise through the glass ceiling? IT EXISTS! They needed doctors and engineers in the 70’s, IT workers in 90’s and now nurses and teachers. We go like FOOLS not realising that the Visas are issued to suit THEIR needs. We form a low cost, high return workforce that keeps THEM happy.

Positive things ARE happening. The golden quadrilateral project. Half a dozen expressways. More airports and flights. Indigenous weapons systems, ships, and planes. Better urban infrastructure is receiving a thrust. The economy is booming. The dollar is sliding against the rupee with each passing month. We are asserting our strength. We mean business.

Take the example of our humble dabbawallas. They have received a six sigma rating which implies one fault in a billion transactions. Intel and IBM STRUGGLE for that kind of an industrial benchmark for quality standards.

Gandhiji said “you must be the change you wish to see in the world” Curzon said “the master of India will be the most powerful in the Asiatic continent, and therefore, in the whole world!” stop blaming the government – remember WE ARE the government – of the people – by the people.

Friends, progress does NOT imply westernisation. To “be modern” is not to “be abroad”.

We have the manpower a BILLION and counting. We have the brains, take a look around you. There’s no such thing as a free lunch! It is us – the youth that stands at the moment in time at the cusp of opportunity to fuel the progress of this nation. It needs simple acts, pay taxes. Do NOT litter. Obey traffic rules. The law. Don’t bribe a government official. And for god’s sake shake yourselves out of the “chalta hai” attitude. If we are to drive ourselves out of here in hordes in search of a better life in foreign lands who is going to make things better here? No nation got to where it is by magic. It took grit and hard work. It is a struggle but if WE do not put our OWN house in order who will?

Do yourselves a favour. Take a vacation and visit the villages. If cities are the heart of a nation, our villages are the SOULS of India. They are the roots, the strong foundations on which our civilisation and culture rests. Breathe the fresh air, drink in the surroundings, experience the life of toil and bask in the glory of simple life. I assure you nothing tastes better is more invigorating than the lassi or tak… nothing sweeter than the Jwari chi bhakr or makke di roti… nothing is fresher than the vegetables plucked and cooked before your eyes… nothing more comfortable than the hard ground to sleep on… and nothing more soothing and reassuring than the unabashed love and respect that you receive from a fellow countryman.

Why be a SLAVE for someone else when you can be KING in your own land?

We have received the legacy of a resplendent heritage, my sincere prayer that we and my opponents especially, be granted the wisdom to cherish it.

It is already becoming clear according to an eminent thinker that a chapter which had a western beginning will have to have an Indian ending if it is not to end in the self destruction of the human race…

Westerners are a confused lot. They have material benefits and comforts but they don’t know where they are GOING in life. India is where we have the answers to the MEANING of life!



Jai hind!


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