Spittle…Spittle… here there everywhere!

An unseemly behavior is gripping young India. One would normally associate old fogies on their charpoies in the idyllic rural setting, as they sit smoking their hookahs and discuss all manner of sundry matters, chewing on tobacco - very much like the forever mulching cows they own. Yet this phenomenon of exercising the masticatory apparatus with such fervor seems to have a new fan following. The fact may be attributed to the influx of migrant populations in India’s modern cities. But the blame cannot be laid squarely on country bumpkins alone. All manners of people have fallen prey to what is indubitably a disgusting habit. Young, educated or middle aged profesionals – there is no defining criteria. Whether they come from Bihar or Gujarat or Maharashtra, way too many indulge in chewing tobacco or related products and are slaves to the habit. In spite of a state ban on certain products they are sold under various guises and consumed by these slavish individuals… quietly destroying their innards. As a dental surgeon the number of diseases and related conditions caused by oral chewed tobacco, guthka, supari, and such-like is mind numbing for the serious consequences they embody – including dreaded carcinomas (cancers).

Without concern for time, place or person these spit-ers will S-P-I-T! Period. They will spit from their high seats on buses, from trains, while riding their bikes, after rolling down their power windows, from out of their shops onto the street; you get the picture if and only if you have seen it. Worse still – is the experience of being a spitee. Having a goodly gob of saliva mixed with other particulate substances land on you is not exactly fun! Gross? Definitely - and that is an understatement. It is not restricted to spitting merely chomped intra-oral matter. They go about launching ejaculatory projectiles, or simply to clear their respiratory tracts of phlegm and mucous, what is revolting is their nonchalance. They are either unmindful of how contemptible their act is or pretend to do it with aplomb… how does chewing on cud add to a person’s persona is beyond me. The habit then causes them to spit – oft times without reason! And a sorry suffices to exonerate them for that dark spot on your clothes.

What is more striking is that even the youth are taking up this habit. Apart from smoking and drinking this is perhaps the next ‘vile thing’ that needs to be tackled on a war footing. And I don’t say that merely from a health point of view. What measures could possibly deal with this menace? Fines? Education? I am not even venturing into the number and kinds of diseases that can be spread via the aerosol or after the gobs dry up...

The fact that spitting is repulsive requires no debate. Craving for these addictive substances is too strong. Civic sense goes for a toss – and these very people will decry how dirty India is. Thanks for contributing mate!


Anonymous said…
spitting is repulsive...true...it is , as you said, vile,revolting ... so on and so forth...we all know that...what we forget is that chewing tobacco is ( and i say so most regretfully) a long standing part of our culture... yes,not all of culture is appealing to the senses or the sensible...as indians much effort is put into highlighting the merits of our 'sanskriti'...we choose to stymie the fact that sati was and child marriage is still a part of this very culture...culture cannot be classified as good or bad... it can only be a reflection of the kind of people who practise it..getting back to the point..the craving for these addictive substances is overwhelming...and therefore if one wants things to change one would be better off devoting their energies towards thinking up ways of implementing changes rather than meting out a verbal admonishment to those who may not know better...mass education is of importance as is a sanction or a levy on tobacco, gutkha, chuna and the likes...if inspite of these people achoose to indulge themselves in pan chewing and public spitting let us not only ensure stricter fines but also provide for places where they can spit if they need to... for i have been stuck uncomfortably with a gob of spit in my mouth ( albeit not due to pan chewing but just because some holi colours made their way into my mouth)and inspite of this urgent need to spit it out , just swallowed it on account of sheer embarrasment. we cant stop people from exercising their choices whether they smoke, drink or chew tobacco... but like we where taught in Community dentistry,we can go the sulabh shauchalay way and provide a means for people to indulge in a manner which may be termed reasonable and hope that they will comply.
Anonymous said…
Where did you find it? Interesting read » »

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